Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Terracotta Orange Paint

exotic sands of the Great West

Fred, our caribou, made small!
Our home-made biscuits cariboo!

It must be winter, cold, night falls early ... I do not know ... but for some time, a mad desire to cook grabs me ... Savory cakes and sweet souffles and pies, fudge, cookies, that's good, but meat to support these months of hibernation.

But then, grâce à Clotilde et à sa recette de sablés, ça m'a démangé... des sablés en forme de caribou ! Youhou !! La folie j'vous dis...

It could be because it's Winter, because it's cold, because the sun goes down so early... I don't know... but I can't help but cooking and baking since a few days! Salted cakes and cookies, souffés and pies, chocolate cakes... Only good food, only good fat to help us go through all this Winter time...

Thanks to my friend Clotilde and her recipe for "sablés" ( a kind of French butter cookie) a crazy idea came out... cariboo-shaped cookies! Crazy cooking days!

My punch caribou floured a little ...
My cariboo cookie cutter Still Covered With a little bit flour ...

Refills for winter! Uh no, for two days!
Enough for Winter ... Oops, no, let's say a couple of days!


it weighs bugger all, whatever the slab and there's every shape imaginable from a human brain ... To order, you know where to find me ! ;)
Moi je commence une collec'


it weights nothing, is extremely cheap and is available in all shapes and width... In case you want one (or 2 or 3) you know how to get back to me don't you ? ;)
I'm starting to collect them all!


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