Sunday, February 13, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver For Play Free

wild privet: purple leaves and black berries

photo shrub with purple leaves: plant identified!

Last year in winter, I made a series of photos of a mysterious shrub with purple leaves . My photos were very clean, a search of calligraphic lines. And my shrub remained anonymous.
I found this year, and I think now be able to name it: it is simply shoots of privet wild reddened by frost.

leaves privet Wild 60 mm macro

Les feuilles pourpres du troène en hiver
purple leaves of a sprig of wild privet (click to enlarge)
Last year I used a 105mm lens macro to photograph wild privet leaves of purple in winter. This year, I met the privet army of my 60 mm macro. Zooming = change bokeh (among others). The 60 mm is more suitable for "portraits", while the bokeh of my 105 mm lot softer and longer focal length makes it easier for more abstract pictures. These two objectives are not redundant, each tailored to different situations and different styles of photos. I'll soon be able to take stock: 60mm macro VS 105mm macro: which lens for what?

wild privet leaves 105 mm macro

A photo of privet leaves, bamboo or inspired Japanese print , taken at 105 mm macro previous winter. Click to access the photo and the original article.

The black berries of privet

After the leaves, these are wild black berries of privet. They are rare, most probably already swallowed by hungry birds.
Baie noire de troène
a black privet berries (wild shrub)
Additional photos of winter nature in albums " Forest in detail " Hale and natural of library.


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