Thursday, January 13, 2011

Is Mycoplasma Acid Fast Positive

Merry Christmas and Twelfth Night cake!

Melkam Genna! Merry Christmas ... ethiopian
and Happy New Year 2011!

MELKAM GENNA ... Merry Orthodox Christmas! It was Thursday, January 6, Epiphany and therefore Ethiopian Christmas Day. That day, to celebrate, I decided to cook ... a moussaka! ? Yeah, what, moussaka = = = Greece Greek cuisine Orthodox country ... Ah there it is, you see where I'm coming ... Next Christmas, it was the turn of Mr cooking, with dishes and Ethiopian injera! Moreover, we took advantage of the seasonal festivities to celebrate this Christmas Ethiopia, which, like every Ethiopian festival, returns to spend his time eating. Ati is our friend who organized the festival with traditional coffee ceremony! Cool!

Melkam Genna... Merry Ethiopian Christmas! It fell on Jan. 6th this year so I decided to cook Moussaka to celebrate! Why?? well, Moussaka is a greek dish... Greece, orthodox country... like Ethiopia! Next Christmas it will be Yared's turn to cook some Ethiopian dish and Injera! So we celebrated Christmas with the Ethiopian community of Vancouver which means that we all gathered to eat and eat and eat! It was our friend Ati's party and we also experienced a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony! Cool! :)

Le jour d'après, on avait rendez-vous chez Marco et Erminia, un couple d'amis italiens rencontrés un an plus tôt, pour fêter les rois et leur faire share the famous cake, French tradition inevitable early this year. Our friends were waiting with impatience and that their children Bianca and Luca feasted ... Bianca and it was the bean!

Galette des Rois cons Panettone! Victory at ... two in fact, it's super good anyway! We are fortunate to have a few French bakeries in Vancouver (yes, more and more immigrants who set up their small business ...) and it is fairly easy to find good bread, croissants or crusty Simply follow the French gastronomic tradition according to the timetable: Yule log? No soucy! Une frangipane ? no problem !

The next day, we came over at Marco and Erminia's house, a nice Italian couple I met a year ago. I wanted to share the French tradition of "la galette des rois" with them. They looked forward to it! The kids, Bianca and Luca really enjoyed the "galette" (Bianca was queen for a day!) It becomes easy to find French bakeries in Vancouver (more immigrants who set up their own business here) Great for a French breakfast with crispy buttered croissants, good bread or just to follow up with all seasonal traditions like "bûche de Noël" (typical Christmas cake) or "galette des rois" in January.

D'ailleurs, c'est often what is most surprising passing friends. The fact that you can find everything here. There are cheese-expensive yes, but if I want a Chavignol and County, it is possible. There are rillettes and sausages all imaginable good bread-baking ... although French is not a guarantee of quality! - (Do not "stick and shallot" on Granville Island!) And wine, of course. .. at least $ 12 a bottle but hey, we appreciate it even more! Briefly, the tryptic franchouillard if ... bread, wine, Boursin well in Vancouver, it is possible. Well then, no volunteers at immigration? ;)

By the way, our friends are always amazed to see that we can find -nearly- everything around here! We have cheese (Comté or Chavignol -goat cheese for those who don't know!), patés or other delicatessen, bread (but not ALL French bakeries are good!) and last but not least... wine! A bit pricey, like every imported goods but we enjoy it even more! Well, this famous French "saying" "bread, wine and Boursin" (garlic cream cheese) is simply possible in Vancouver! So, who's coming here next?? ;)


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