Sunday, October 24, 2010

Kates Foot From Kates Playground

Homemade sushi! Capilano Bridge

Nagisa When my friend told me he came to Vancouver, I jumped for joy! Great to see a friend we have not seen for many years. Then I said, "Great! It will show us how to make sushi!" So she had brought all the material for the perfect sushi cook "and last Thursday, we're all stuck there: Nagisa, and I Yared !

It was great to hear That Nagisa WAS coming to Vancouver. Long time no see ... And she could "show us how to make sushi! She HAD Brought All That She Needed to teach us last Thursday and We Had Our First sushi lesson ...

We cook special sushi rice (round and sticky), add the vinegar powder (Japanese ah! - Powder because it is easier to carry Japan!) And mixed. We put gently on the leaves of rice or nori seaweed. Ingredients are added. For us, avocado, cucumber, smoked salmon from British Columbia, tuna with mayonnaise, lettuce and a little wasabi (Japanese famous mustard green fluorescent Extra extra FORTE !!)

All you need to do is to cook special sushi rice, add vinegar (ours was vinegar powder, easy to bring from Japan!!) to it when cooked. Spread carefully rice on Nori and add ingredients (smoked BC salmon, avocado, cucumber, tuna with mayo, salad and a little bit of wasabi for us)

step 1 : mélangez le vinaigre en poudre avec le riz / mix the vinegar powder with rice

Step 2 : étalez le riz sur les Nori / spread rice on Nori

step 3 : ajoutez vos ingrédients / add ingredients

add a 'tit tit little wasabi / add a very little bit of wasabi if you dare

Step 4: Roll the sushi, even with your eyes closed! Too easy! / roll it and it's super fun with your eyes shut!

obtained that! Our sushi rolls

Step 5: Cut the rolls of sushi / Cut the rolls

We drive the whole then cut into 6 or 7: here are your sushi ready! : D Too fastoche hyper and playful!

Then You Need to roll 'em and cut' em to 6 or 7 pieces Into ... Here it is! Sushi are ready and it's super easy! Awesome!

We were very proud of the result and the ease with which, in no time, we made delicious sushi! Bonsai !!!!!!!!!!! I think we'll stop going to the Japanese in the corner and my dear husband would expect the evening with a plate full of sushi after an exhausting day from 9am to work! Yes! :) I am in love sushi!

We were very Proud of Our sushi and very impressed about how easy to make Actually It Is! In no time, you CAN make a really good Japanese dinner! Hope that I just gonna have my man IS The good idea to surprise me With A sushi party everytime I come back home after Another exhausting day at work! :)

all here ... sushi, sake, wasabi and ginger ... A table!
Sushi, wasabi, sake and ginger ... Enjoy your meal!

Itadakimasu everyone * ("good appetite" in Japanese)


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